Personal Story

The Value of Drugs and Medications

It is commonplace in the United States to hear people complain about drugs, medications, and vaccines. Many people I know do not want to use them, particularly vaccines. This point of view has various rationales: drugs are ineffective, drugs have side effects, natural remedies are better, the drug companies are out to rip us off, etc. While all of these assertions have some truth in them, these people are in danger of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


Moderation is not a popular attitude nowadays. Moderates (and I'm not talking only about political moderates) are seen as people who are "fence-sitters"; the folks who "cannot make up their minds". There probably are a group who genuinely are unable to come to a conclusion about things, but I believe that moderation is the approach to life adopted by the strong-minded. A moderate attitude to an issue is one which has required fair-minded consideration of the pros and cons, and the disciplined application of common sense.

The Value of Immigrants

Although it's not fashionable to say so right now, I admire and respect immigrants. How can I not? I am one myself. I grew up in Europe and came to live in the United States during my twenties. I have spent the greater part of my life as an immigrant. So I know more than the average person about immigration.

The little C God talks about Covid

COVID stands for
There is more to hear. I am not including the text to this GEM because I feel it is important for you to listen and receive this wisdom
that I heard from God.

My peace I give you.
So have a listen

I would love to read your comments.
Or please do share this GEM or a GEM of your own.

Brightest blessings,
Cindy M. Miller

Bear out of no where

I am out driving to go to an appointment
And they changed the time
I had to go a little early
As I am driving down this country road
That I go down all the time
The beginning of December
I don’t know the exact date because I am not looking at a calendar
But low and behold in this field on the snow covered ground
In Bridgewater CT
Is this big huge black bear just hanging out in a field
I was just flabbergasted
I heard of these siting’s and people seeing them
I had to pull over in awe of this magnificent animal

Chatting with El Part 3 - A Plethora of Gifts

I pushed on in my conversation with my Higher Self, who I’m calling El, and asked, What is the gift of my aloneness?

And this time my answer came as a stream of questions.

Did the loss of your intimate relationship not force you to reclaim your projections and encounter many hidden aspects of yourself, in the process healing, by loving, all of your Being, and teaching you how to give unconditional love to others?

And did this not make you a better healer as well as a more peaceful human being?

Chatting with El Part 2 - My Handicap and Its Purpose

Handicaps or disabilities can be things like poverty, a less than pleasing appearance, or a lack of freedom, support or community.

In my case, My Higher Self, El, revealed, my handicap, or disability, is the lack of several types of partnership that I have always fervently desired and am not currently enjoying in my life – the intimate kind; the sustained, soulful work/business variety; and the type that comes from a group of people working together, up close and persistently, on a cause that is dear to their hearts.

Chatting with El Part 1 - A Revelation

The other day (actually several years ago when I wrote the story I’m now telling you) a good friend sent me a video about an autistic boy. You know the plot: A person overcomes a handicap to accomplish something amazing, their achievement is celebrated and emotionally shared by lots of people, and the viewer sheds a lot of happy tears.

At Peace in the Whirlwind

Can you sit in the middle of the whirlwind and just tune it all out?

The corporate greed, the corruption, the dog eat dog part of the world.

And see a gentler, kinder place. An “all-rightness” and “goodness” that follows you, envelopes you and those you hold dear.

As if an easy path opens because you choose it to be so. I do this. I can do it. Anything is possible.

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