Personal Story

Dr Russell Rising - Exercise Is Everything

Dr Russell: I am Dr Russell Rising. I have a PHD in Nutrition and Physiology, and I can tell you one thing. Exercise is everything. I have friends that are older than me. For example, my partner in tennis is 81. We played tennis yesterday in 100 degrees for 2 hours.

So, the next person who whines about age, I’ll shoot them, because he is 81 and in great shape.

I’m 67. The same as that lady over there that you just interviewed.

Basketball Home-Coming (RuckerPark + 4th Street, NYC)


I want to share with people. You and I are going down to Rutger Park. You are going to be interviewing the NBA legends down there.

I want you and Cindy to inspire other people. Make connections down there.


(deleted garbled speech) For those of you listening, Chris is going to introduce us to Kenny Grant. He started in West Fourth Street in 1977. This is the greatest basketball arena.


According to Nike, West Fourth Street and Rutger Park go back and forth, one and two every year.

Dr Jordan Metzl Iron Strength Workout


Hello everyone. This is John and Cindy with Heart Speak. We’re here with Chris on the Intrepid on June 24, 2024, with Dr Jordan Metzl who just finished the most phenomenal Iron Work workout. Chris, how are you doing today?


I am doing excellent. I am very happy that John and Cindy came down here. My name is Chris Vichiola from Newtown, CT. As John said, I am on the Intrepid on June 24, 2024 with Dr. Jordan Metzl’s Iron Strength workout.

The 5 Year Vision of Flow Kakou


Matt, what do you see what you are doing. Let’s say, if you could go into the future about 5 years from now. What would you like to have happen, with all the effort you are putting into traveling to all these cities, meeting all these people, and putting yourself out so everyone gets a chance to personally, see, feel, sense, who you are and what you are about?

Going Into The Unknown


This is John at Heart Speak. I am here with Matt Del Rosario. Matt, from the short I met you, you started talking about the future and the unknown and your perspective on the unknown. Could you please over that and share what your thoughts were on that?

Matt speaks:

I always felt like an outsider. I always felt I have been on the edge of life. I can participate in it, but for some reason, I catch myself needing space, needing to pull back, needing to feel myself away from others.

Spreading Hula for Hope


I’m here today with Matt Del Rosario. Matt, I met you at the Newtown Senior Center. Unexpected, unannounced. I was there for something totally different, and you walked in, and invited a group of us to join you in a class. Could you please tell us about that class. It was the most amazing moment experienced in about a thousand years.

Matt speaks:

Thank you so much. So the class that you got experience is called Hula Noho, which is a seated Hula class, or a Hawaiian form of storytelling through dance and music.

Flow Kakou - The Balance of Everything


Could you explain what Flow Kakou means?

Matt speaks:

Absolutely. Flow Kakou is my non-profit, my 501c3. We’re based in Hawaii. The title Flow Kakou – I took the word “flow” from the Buddhist definition of balance. The presence of both yin and yang at the same moment.

“Kakou” in Hawaiian means “everything.” To the stars, to the sand, to the water, to the people, to the animals, to the grass, even to the little bugs that we hate – that’s all Kakou.

Addendum For When Johnny Comes Marching Home


While this song about the futility of war, was originally a Scottish dirge, I’ve adapted its melody with new words which are my opinion and expression of the futility of war
after my time and experience serving on 2 aircraft carriers, flying combat missions in Vietnam. I wasn’t the flyer, but I was part of the squadron.
One other point: the words “haru, haru,” which appear many times in the song are the Scottish equivalent of us saying “harah, harah” which the Irish version uses. And away we go.

A Christmas Gassed


This song too was written during the first gas crisis during the 1970’s Carter administration. I had fun putting these new gas shortage lyrics to these beloved Christmas standards, And as I say them you will be able to figure out by the nature of the song which Christmas song I carol out.

   The actual song itself is available only in spoken form, as requested by Philip.

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