

A four letter word
Opps it’s a five letter word
Boy am I stressed out
I don’t know how
One thing at a time
I’m cooking, paying bills and watching tv all at the same time
Hurry I'm late
I’m early
I forget my appointment
My appointed is cancelled
I’m already there
Ugh hurrying
always messes me up
I forget where I am going
I forget how to get there
Why do I always get company when my house is a mess
I thought I said the right thing
I say the wrong thing
I lost my cell phone
I find my cell phone
I park my car
I can’t find my car
Finally home sweet home
Everyone’s yelling when I get there
Could this be the cause of all my stress
Heck yes, heck no
Just relax
Have a good laugh
Guess what you may
Or may not get
Do this all over again.

Cindy M. Miller
Date Recorded: 
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Date Posted: 
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Type of GEM: 
GEM of the Day: 
Monday, January 1, 2024
Issues Addressed: 
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