Artwork by Bruce Zboray
Did you ever have a place that you keep going back to, again and again, because it makes you feel so good? I mean, it’s like the land itself is calling, like a friend.
One of my favorite places is the grounds of Shakespeare Theater in Stratford, Ct. In the 1950’s and 1960’s this was a very popular theater. It seems like the joy of that time still lives on the grounds, or perhaps some deep joy was there already, even before the theater.
The earth knows and remembers. There’s still a small Victorian garden, and the old theater still stands there, now closed. Stratford is a very old town and holds lots of memories.
I feel something there whenever I walk or drive through. It feels familiar, like home – like I lived there before, maybe in some other lifetime. I always feel energized when I go there.
There is a power to some places – and this is one of them. It’s like there is way, way more than I am seeing. If you believe in devas (spirits of the land), and I do, they are very, very active there. I want to be in that place so strongly.
I am happy that such a deep experience lives there, and shares itself with anyone who sets foot there, or even thinks about this wonderful place.
The world seems to stop, and there is this blissful peace. Even though I just stand there, it seems like something is happening, like I am talking, when I am not, like I am seeing, when I am not.
I can sense people, no, a Presence there, and I feel its whole story, all at once. I feel this living Presence there, and I love it. I love being in its midst. It’s conscious, I know, and overwhelmingly shares its glow.
Perhaps there is some place that feels alive to you, that you can happily visit, even in your thoughts, right now.