Our Miracle Universe - Part2 - New Stars Expanding
Submitted by Bruce on Fri, 05/05/2023 - 14:47I will touch briefly on the birth of stars.
I will touch briefly on the birth of stars.
Our Miracle Universe, absolute darkness. Not a hint of light. No stars anywhere. No sounds of any kind. Nothing of any kind. Nothing at all.
Then suddenly a huge explosion like the universe has never known before, and probably will never know again.
In a matter of seconds, the universe was engulfed in a huge cloud of hydrogen gas.
The Big Bang had just occurred. From a tiny point called a singularity in the universe, the universe as we have come to know was born.
Did you ever go outside and feel that all the birds were singing?
Every single one. So many different songs. That there was a kind of happiness in the air. An exuberance at this moment. As if anything was possible.
Strange, isn’t it - the thought “As if anything was possible?” Most of us rarely think of this.
Suppose, just for a moment that it really is true – that it can be true - that anything is possible right now, just because I tune into and play with “anything is possible.”
What would you do? Really, what would you do?
The sound, the sound
Of the babbling brook
Of a damn of water
Thank you water for flowing
For your beauty
For nurturing my body
For being quenching
On a hot day
For being able to cleanse myself
Showering, bathing
May I never take you for granted
For doing the dishes
Yeah may I not take for granted for doing the dishes
Water you such a needed thing to have
And often I don’t know how much you get appreciated
Everybody needs to be appreciated
Ever thing should be appreciated
Suppose earth itself can help make peace on earth, in your lifetime, starting right now – the end of violence – the end of the barbaric age.
Consider the oppressor.
Suppose our thoughts can help make peace on earth, in your lifetime, starting right now – the end of violence – the end of the barbaric age.
Consider the people being oppressed.
I picture them wandering now in a grove of trees, tall and pungent, with the ground moist and soft. I picture them happily stepping on stones to cross a brook, trickling, soothing.
I picture them walking thru an open meadow of tall grasses with a sun umbrella, sparrows appearing and disappearing.
It seemed like it would be our ordinary 30 minute walk around our neighborhood, the same route, like every other day – but far from it this day.
First, as we approached a corner, we suddenly noticed a huge turkey vulture sitting on top of a telephone pole with its back away from us.
It was completely unfazed as we stood there for a few minutes admiring this unusual, beautiful sight.
But nothing prepared us for what we were about to come upon in the next few minutes.
There is something about winter which I really love.
It feels sleepy, resting, in a sense meditating.
It seems to give an upspoken permission to just relax – to have some time for yourself.
All the colors are muted - grays and washed-out browns. And the trees are laid bare, to show a visual essence language written by their shapes, their intricate and poetic lines, all outlined with lacy fine twigs around the edges. At sunset, they glow orange.
The sun is hazy, diffuse behind a gray sky – you may even think it’s the moon.
The Frozen Brook
Come to the lake of calm. It sits there open to you.
You will not find it in travel books, nor upon any map ever made.
Because you do not “go there,” but rather “tune-in,” like dialing a radio station.
Many of us keep this place ready for you. Holding a space of pure peace.
Thousands, if not tens of thousands, if not far more, offer this collective vision. We pour out thought-power, our peaceful energy, our imagination into this “place,” this little realm, if you want to call it that.
We combine our thought focus to offer this.