Flip Flops


Flip Flops

"Flip Flop I was taking a bath," I think that is the song.
Or is it "Splish splash I was taking a bath"?
I think this was the song.
Hi, it is summer and it is hot.
A lot of humidity in the day here today.
I went out there to do some yard clean up.
We had a really bad storm here in Newtown, CT.
It was actually a tornado a micro burst or macroburst or something like that.
There are branches down everywhere.

I decided to go out in my flip flops and do some yard clean up and ouch, a big branch I was yanking out of the woods just landed on my foot and now my foot hurts.

You know in life it is good to be active but it is also good to take some precaution.

The lesson is to wear some hard shoes for the woods and cleanup.
Don't be silly and wear those flip flops.
They are great - I love going in my bare feet.
Sometimes, if we take that little extra you know little thing we can do, it will make it go so much easier for our self.

So just wanted to share that tip.
Maybe you do yard work out there in your flip flops.
But lesson learned not to do the flip flop thing.
I hope you guys are enjoying your summer and just staying cool, drinking your water.

My farmer's friend said to make sure you have your banana in this hot weather.
Keeps your potassium up before you do anything - this and I had my juicy watermelons.
Anyway, just wanted to share the little flip flop story and would be happy to hear your thoughts on this as well .


Cindy M. Miller
Date Recorded: 
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Date Posted: 
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Type of GEM: 
GEM of the Day: 
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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