Sometimes the earth seems more beautiful than ever, like when the sun lights up the fall leaves, from behind – the leaves literally glow.
The light is always changing, so that what five minutes ago was a dark, drab patch, is now sparkling with bright leaves that decide to shine.
When the light is just right, any scene becomes lit like a theater stage.
I just have to be still outside, and beauty comes to me – or perhaps I tune in. A squirrel comes by, or a chipmunk, or a hawk.
Or the pattern of light reconfigures to call my attention. For example, I like a white fence against yellow leaves – so subtle.
Sometimes I have the sense of taking it all in, the whole scene at once, unfocused, dreamy-eyed, softly seen.
I was taking a walk, and I saw this dog bounding back and forth between two trees, trying to catch squirrels. The dog was so happy. I could hear him thumping on the ground – weight on the front paws, weight on the back paws. It was a beautiful scene.
Look around. Is there something unexpectedly beautiful calling you right now?