
Blueberry Day

One of our favorite summer days was blueberry day.

We’d put on old clothes, our straw hats, then gather our baskets and make our way to the Jones’ Family Farm in Shelton. We’d hitch a ride on the “berry ferry”, and be driven out to the blueberry bushes.

Blueberries are easy to pick and practically popped into our small baskets. When our small baskets were filled, we’d dump them all into the big basket and fill that up. The camera was always on hand.

After the picking, we’d drive to Huntington Center and have lunch and dessert at Sassafras Restaurant.

College Turkeys

Several years ago, I worked in a computer lab at the university I attended as a graduate student. Since I was the one who usually had to open the lab, I often got to campus very early, and was one of the first people in the parking lot.

Getting up early and commuting on the Merit Parkway was not fun. Sometimes there would be traffic jams. Other times, there was so much ice, I could barely get to work safely.

As much as I hated the commute, sometimes there were nice parts about arriving early.

Honoring the Good Past

There’s something about a very old photograph that really draws me in. Perhaps it’s the black and white monochrome world that looks oddly “at a distance” – as if that’s the best that could be done at that time – almost like a dream.

I like to see how people are dressed and I try to sense how it felt to be in that place at that time. Did the air feel different?

Healing Sounds of Music

Musical beginning of Claire de Lune performed by and courtesy of Amber Short -

I’ve found that “Claire de Lune” has a very healing sound. I use muscle testing, also known as kinesiology, to test on a scale of 1 to 10 the power of healing for a particular piece of music.

The instrument doesn’t matter. It is the underlying music that presents this healing quality.


I’d like to talk about a subject that many patients are bothered by, and that is anxiety, either at work, with family, relationships, friends, whatever.

There’s a point on your ear, on the topmost of your ear, there’s a “v”. That is your anxiety point. If you take your left hand and put it on your ear point, that is where this point is.


To heal, you have to forgive.

If you’re bound with old thoughts about people who you haven’t let go because they have hurt you, you will have difficulty healing. Body parts, all functions well. Pain seems to hang on. And you ask the patient, “Have they forgiven everything?” And they will say, “Yes, except.” And they will recall the exact incident, sometimes many years ago, where they have been hurt.

So once they deal with the situation, then they can start to function again on a normal basis. But they must let this go.

Whistle While You Work

Have you ever noticed someone going about, whistling as they’re going about their business?

Perhaps at the grocery store, the mall, the gas station, or even at your work?

They go about whistling and seem to be in the state of mind of contentness, or perhaps as if they are floating on a cloud.

If you catch their eye for a glimpse, just a moment, they seem to be in a very pleasant state. They never seem to be angry or upset or in a sullen mood.

You also notice this with children. The children just open up and start to sing, beautiful songs.

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