
A Carousel Christmas Ride


My wife really loves Christmas. The spirit of it, and everything about it. So, I wrote her this song.

   The actual song itself is available only in spoken form, as requested by Philip.

Response from John

The last GEM you just listened to was titled A Carousel Christmas Ride by Phil the Wordsmith.

I wish you were in the studio with us. He nearly broke a tear 2 or 3 times in the performance of that poem. And these are really not poems -their songs.

How Now Peace - Opening a Door for the Oppressed

Suppose our thoughts can help make peace on earth, in your lifetime, starting right now – the end of violence – the end of the barbaric age.

Consider the people being oppressed.

I picture them wandering now in a grove of trees, tall and pungent, with the ground moist and soft. I picture them happily stepping on stones to cross a brook, trickling, soothing.

I picture them walking thru an open meadow of tall grasses with a sun umbrella, sparrows appearing and disappearing.

Inner Warmth

There is something about winter which I really love.

It feels sleepy, resting, in a sense meditating.

It seems to give an upspoken permission to just relax – to have some time for yourself.

All the colors are muted - grays and washed-out browns. And the trees are laid bare, to show a visual essence language written by their shapes, their intricate and poetic lines, all outlined with lacy fine twigs around the edges. At sunset, they glow orange.

The sun is hazy, diffuse behind a gray sky – you may even think it’s the moon.

The Peas

Grandpa always wore a three piece suit with a white Oxford shirt. In the heat of summer, he removed the vest. In the winter, when he went on his daily walks, he added a topcoat and a fedora to his outfit.

Two blocks from his house was a small grocery store where my brother Mike worked as a manager.

Every day, grandpa, in his late eighties, walked to the store to visit Mike and to pick up an item or two.


To heal, you have to forgive.

If you’re bound with old thoughts about people who you haven’t let go because they have hurt you, you will have difficulty healing. Body parts, all functions well. Pain seems to hang on. And you ask the patient, “Have they forgiven everything?” And they will say, “Yes, except.” And they will recall the exact incident, sometimes many years ago, where they have been hurt.

So once they deal with the situation, then they can start to function again on a normal basis. But they must let this go.

Whistle While You Work

Have you ever noticed someone going about, whistling as they’re going about their business?

Perhaps at the grocery store, the mall, the gas station, or even at your work?

They go about whistling and seem to be in the state of mind of contentness, or perhaps as if they are floating on a cloud.

If you catch their eye for a glimpse, just a moment, they seem to be in a very pleasant state. They never seem to be angry or upset or in a sullen mood.

You also notice this with children. The children just open up and start to sing, beautiful songs.

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