When our children were young, and we would go to a restaurant, we’d make pepper drawings while waiting for our food.
We would turn over the paper placemat, revealing a nice white piece of paper, and shake some pepper randomly on the paper. Then we would take turns connecting the dots.
It’s like the pepper held the essence of a picture that we slowly revealed to ourselves. They really enjoyed this, and so did I.
There’s just enough structure to prod you on, but ultimately, it is your own imagination that creates the picture. It’s really fun to see what emerges.
By the way, you can always add a little more pepper.
Sometimes, we would do the opposite, and trace our fingers through the pepper, kind of like finger painting.
So, next time you are in a restaurant, you may want to turn over your placemat, and shake some pepper on it – it’s kind of like reading the tea leaves.