
Walking the World

One of the things I like to do for fun is to go on walking tours of cities around the world. Sometimes I revisit places I have been to in the past. In recent days, I have been to London, Pisa, Venice, Cologne, Madrid, and Nice.

How can I do this?

Often I walk around cities that I would like to visit in the future! For instance, I recently saw Buenos Aires, Argentina.

How is this possible? Especially, in the age of Covid-19?

E-mail Woes

One of my personal gripes nowadays is e-mail. Not, I hasten to add, my own use of it, but other peoples'. Use, or perhaps I should say, misuse.

E-mail today seems to be something that is uniquely capable of laying bare all the personal foibles and failings of the American public. Carelessness, inattention, confusion, disorganization, and inability to follow simple directions; not to mention ignorance of English grammar and spelling.

Answering Machine ....I'm Not Home Right Now

You just call out my name and you know where ever I am
Anyway old Carol King song use to love it
This is about telephone calling people
What are the rules
What is the etiquette on phone calling people
How do you feel about it
A friend of mine says Bob
You don’t call back that day
Call immediately
Another friend says I call
when I get the chance
When I can get to it
I don’t call back if it is important they will call me again
Or what about those internet emails that you get

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