
Basketball Home-Coming (RuckerPark + 4th Street, NYC)


I want to share with people. You and I are going down to Rutger Park. You are going to be interviewing the NBA legends down there.

I want you and Cindy to inspire other people. Make connections down there.


(deleted garbled speech) For those of you listening, Chris is going to introduce us to Kenny Grant. He started in West Fourth Street in 1977. This is the greatest basketball arena.


According to Nike, West Fourth Street and Rutger Park go back and forth, one and two every year.

Honoring the Good Past

There’s something about a very old photograph that really draws me in. Perhaps it’s the black and white monochrome world that looks oddly “at a distance” – as if that’s the best that could be done at that time – almost like a dream.

I like to see how people are dressed and I try to sense how it felt to be in that place at that time. Did the air feel different?


The advent of historically-themed movies and TV shows has given interest in history a tremendous boost. There are no significant historical events that have not been the subject of at least one movie. The drawback is that not every movie is historically accurate - Hollywood portrays versions of the facts that bring in the most profits, not necessarily those that are true to life.

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