
Stuck - Now Free

Do you feel stuck?

Stuck in a job?
Stuck in a health problem?
Stuck seeing less, or at least not seeing more?

Whatever it is, think of it, feel it.
And now let it go.

I thank you for showing me what “stuck” energy is like.
I choose to release stuck energy now.

I picture intense white light surrounding me,
Illuminating every particle of my being, every thought.

My cells are lit, from the inside.
My blood is lit, from the inside.
My brain and heart are lit, from the inside.

Bubbles on the Beach

I am on the beach.

The sand feels warm and inviting on my feet.

I love the “swish, swish” of the waves.
The pebbles are tumbled, soft clear white.
The seashells call to me to look at them.

A child is making a sand castle, with a red, metal pale.
Another child is blowing bubbles.
A single bubble floats by me.

I am happy.
I see myself in the bubble, happy, along with this whole beach, sky, and ocean, in that little bubble.
It floats away to carry my happiness beyond me.

I Am Everywhere

Imagine that you are a little bit bigger than your body.
Realize that your skin doesn’t really hold you in.
It only seems like it does.

You’ve expanded a foot in all directions around your body.
You feel good. Really good.

Now, expand to fill the room.
You pass through the chairs, tables, plants, easily.
Sense yourself everywhere in the room at once.
It feels amazingly natural, doesn’t it?
Everywhere you look in the room, you are there too.

Aromatic Forest

Aromatic Forest
Imagine you are going hike today
You just put on your new hiking boots
And you have a good sturdy strong hiking stick in your left hand
As you look ahead the woods are very green and very inviting
Majestic oaks and maples tower about you 90 to100 feet
Providing the most wonderful cover from the hot sun
A gentle breeze is blowing
Under the cover of these majestic tress
Patches of green growth provides homes to countless little creatures
You pass an evergreen

Right Livelihood

Thank you for allowing me meaningful work.

Work I believe in, work I am interested in.

Work that is like play for me.

I appreciate my current job, my current situation.

Let me see it in a different way.

Please bless my frustration. Show me how to relax.

I know you hear my longing for better work,

More suited to my temperament, my gifts, my interests.

I feel good about this, knowing you are arranging my right livelihood.

Beyond my awareness, people and events are happening,

Peace on Earth

Artwork by Bruce Zboray

I am peace on earth.

It's amazing how easily peace spreads.
My thoughts declare a peaceful world.
All read my thoughts even if they don't realize it.
All decisions are better because I send illumination.

Today is a very good day.
The past is passed.
A new breath now.
A dove visits each person today, perhaps unseen.
I feel the peace growing.

Sometimes I Just Need A Break

I say to myself I need 5 minutes, I need a time out, I just gotta get away from all this stuff I’m doing.

So what do I do? Well what I do is I step outside.

I stepped out the other day. There was a patch of snow, covered the ground. Patches of grass broke out. The air was cool and cold. And as I breathed it in, it filled my lungs with this wonderful fillness of freshness and light itself. I looked up and the sky was crystal blue and clear.

A single hawk was soaring high. It just kept going higher and higher, and I watched him for a few minutes.

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