
Secondary Foods

Hi again it's Marilyn Fuller. We talked about the Circle of Life before – Primary Foods, and touched upon Secondary Foods, but today it’s about Secondary Foods, and yes, you can integrate Primary Foods into that.

Primary Foods

Hi, it’s Marilyn Fuller again: health coach, nurse, nutritionist.

I talked to you last time about the Circle of Life: primary foods, secondary foods. Primary foods being Relationships, Regular Activity, Fulfilling Career and Economics, and Spiritual Practice. Once you are satisfied and balanced in those areas, you’ll be happier and more fulfilled. You’ll be satisfied with life!

Then you can go on to what you're putting in your mouth, which is secondary Foods.

Feeling out of Balance?

Hi, this is Marilyn. I‘m a nurse and a wellness coach, with a specialty in nutrition.

Today I’d like to talk to you about the “wheel of life” and the “total wellness” team approach to balance your life, between primary foods and the enhancement of secondary foods.

Now, what are the primary foods? The 4 core primary foods are: exercise, spirituality, career and economics, and relationships. When these are not balanced, we are not balanced.

Good Nutrition

All the foods that we are close to, both drink and hard food, vegetables, fruit, etc., how do you know if they are good for your body?

There is an easy way of finding this out. The autonomic nervous system, which lies down the center of your body in the front of you, all the way down to your belly button, can identify, if you hold the product in front of you under, your chin, dead center in your body.

If it is good for you, you will tilt forward.

If it’s not good for you, you will tilt backward.

Fountain of Youth

As we age, we all begin to show it. But there is a sample in the population that seem to defy aging. At least a little.

This group, they stay younger longer. They stay more active longer. Their bodies are capable of movement longer. Their minds seem to be more interested in new activities longer. And their spirit definitely seems younger longer. In fact, all the senses stay more vital, their eyes, their taste, their ears, their torso, their mind, and their spirit.

All six are revitalized, so what is this activity? What is this fountain of youth?

Eating Rainbows

What is it about a rainbow that conjures such positive, joyful thoughts?

It seems that everyone loves a rainbow. Poems are written. Smiles cross faces when the word rainbow is seen. There are so many expressions: catch a rainbow, the other side of a rainbow, ride the rainbow, chase a rainbow, find your rainbow.

Men search for the treasure pot at the end of the rainbow. So I ask you, “Is there a treasure?” Perhaps the treasure in rainbows is “eating a rainbow.” “What,” you may ask, “am I talking about?” I’m talking about starting every day eating the colors of the rainbow.

Our Cells Know When We Say Thank You

If the stars are out there in the daylight, and we don’t see them, what else don’t we see?

Perhaps we need the contrast, the foil, the opposite to see what is hidden.

It really is a gift to appreciate what we have, and not take it for granted. There is a saying, that some dream of what we see as everyday normal, common place. I’m not saying this is bad, or that we are decadent.

Rather, it’s the difference between seeing objects and seeing essence. Being thankful for a spoon is just as important as being thankful for a smartphone.

Take a Walk

Take a walk. Hmmm. Did I do that today? No, I’m doing it now.

You know, I choose to remember to take a walk every day.

Does it happen?

Usually, but sometimes I’ll just let it slide, or not feel like not do it.

And I find that when I do that, that I don’t feel as well. I don’t flow as well.

After all, we are made up of energy. When I walk, I am moving my energy around. I’m revitalizing my body. You know, it’s just a good thing for me to do.

So, I choose to remember that on my list should be me.

Vaporize Negative Thoughts

When something is bothering me, I mean really bothering me, I say, "Please bless my thoughts."

I stay with the intention for about 20 seconds, letting it do its miracle, seeing the thoughts become a misty fog - clearing, clearing, cleared. My mind feels absolutely clear, sort of illuminated, as if that is the way it was meant to be. It's like the thoughts were literally vaporized by the sheer and total benevolence of Spirit. If you don't like the word "bless", you can say, "Please harmonize my thoughts." It works just as well.

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