

Rescued hmm
I just gone done watching the animal rescue show
Where they were given awards to people who adopted pets
that had been rescued in different situations
Thinking who rescued who
Did the new owner rescue the dog
Or did the dog rescue the new owner
It was amazing to see
The kinds and sizes and the different categories of animals
From the cutest wiggle
To the nicest smile
To an overbite
To disabilities
To the shortest legs
I mean the categories were just adorable
As were the pets the dogs

King of the Hay

Everyone has certain special things that make them smile. For me, one of those things is being around goats.

I remember one of the times my parents and I went to a local farm that we visit frequently. That particular day there were 2 baby goats, so small they could barely walk, their little legs wobbly, and their tiny voices high-pitched. One baby goat was shy, afraid, seeking shelter near his mother. But the other baby goat wanted to experience everything the world had to offer.

Where the Animals Live

I like to be near the animals – the farm animals.

Maybe it’s a memory of an earlier, quieter, idyllic time. Perhaps it’s not a memory, but a longing for that time.

The animals are so direct. It seems like they present themselves totally, nothing hidden. The sheep and lambs just ask you to feel their wool – deep, curly wool, that you you can sink your hands into. Once one starts “baa’ing,” the others start too, and soon everyone of them is “baa’ing.”

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