Worry - What Will It Get Me?


Worry. Why worry?

Someone shared something about that and said, “If you ever sit in a rocking chair, you just rock. It kind of takes you nowhere. You just rock - just rocking.”

And worry is the same kind of thing. It kind of takes you nowhere. It’s just leaving you in a state of fear, or panic. It’s just not positive energy, more of a negative energy.

So if you are going to feel anything, then think about anything leaning towards hope, and faith, and possibility. And that things will work out. And that all will be okay.

And lean your emotion, and rock to that as you move through life. Because as you find the energy behind the thoughts, and what we think about, and what we speak about, and what we listen to, and what we gravitate to, it really is a big, huge difference in our outcomes, in our future, and in our moments in the here and now on how to interpret, and process, and bring clarity to things that happen to us in life.

We are here for such a very brief time, even living in our hundreds. While we’re here, so make the most of each and every moment, and not let our time in mind be filled with worry.

So if you get that worry process going on, flick a switch, and say, “Hey, I can change my thought or my view on this,” and lean toward staying positive, hopeful, and knowing all will be well, and all is well.

Cindy M. Miller
Date Recorded: 
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Date Posted: 
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Type of GEM: 
GEM of the Day: 
Thursday, August 22, 2024
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