Stained Glass Windows


I love stained glass windows. The colors are so luminescent, especially deep blues with glints of deep red. The windows glow.

The fragments of glass set in lead, all fit together, like a poetic puzzle. All the glowing pieces are bordered in dull silvery lead, as if someone outlined everything in the picture.

They are huge and intricate, often mounted high up. Sometimes I go into a church just to be inspired by the stained glass windows, and smell the incense, and see the candles.

One window I particularly enjoy is a picture of the burning bush. I love all the colors and how they fit together.

I like the Tiffany glass window called “Peonies in the Wind.”

The stained glass reminds me of vintage children‘s book illustrations – pure vibrant color patches, outlined in black ink.

The lead itself makes a lyrical pattern unto itself. This is pure genius.

Gift shops have small stained glass panes. I like to look at these, so artfully done. We hang these in our windows.

One shows a picture of a peace dove. I hang it facing the outside, so the wind can read peace and send it into the world.

The fall leaves and branches remind me of stained glass too.

Remarkably, looking at pictures on a cell-phone or computer screen, look luminescent - little stained glass windows.

Perhaps you may want to google stained glass windows and see what appears, or just hold some tissue paper up the sun and watch it glow. Or perhaps let the sunlight shine through your hand.

Let the light shine through.

Date Recorded: 
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Date Posted: 
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Type of GEM: 
GEM of the Day: 
Friday, February 23, 2024
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